Monday, February 9, 2009

Nappy project

I have finally finished my nappy project, kinda. I made the mistake of doing the snaps last night when I was obviously too tired, broke some, snapped some the wrong way and ended up with not enough snaps to properly finish the jaffa nappies. They still all do up though, so I am thinking that I will make do for now. I ran out of black snaps so Andrew suggested I use pink (pink?), anyway I dont think they look as good but they will do also. The blue one is my trial nappy and hence has a few flaws, leg elastic being the biggest problem I can see. Of course I could always unpick and fix it, but I decided to add a couple of snaps to the legs and hope they do the job. I dont even know how chubby babies legs are!!!
I am feeling a bit lost now that this project is out of the way. I think I will take a break from sewing for a while though and maybe start on a bib making marathon next week.