Friday, March 6, 2009

Glorious food!

Lately I have had a few successes with my food experimenting. I'm stoked because it builds my confidence to try new things. My first success was tomato chutney- surprisingly easy and very delicious for our sandwiches. It contained Grandad's tomatoes, onions, an apple, sugar, salt, vinegar and mustard powder. You soak the veges for the night in salt, get rid of the water in the morning and then simmer everything else together for a few hours. Great way to use up the tomatoes that are getting soft, although you do need a kilo and a half.
My next success was a mango and lemon sorbet. This was very easy and also very cheap for a nice dessert. It contained a tin of mangos that you whizz up and add to a cup of sugar dissolved in a cup of water, and the rind and juice of one lemon. You have to let it freeze then whizz it up again, back to the freezer and once frozen again it is ready to scoop up and serve. It did turn out quite sweet so I am thinking of halving the sugar next time, or maybe using lemonade instead of the sugar and water mixture.

1 comment:

  1. I feel we are living very similar lives here... I have been dabbling in a little chutney too :) At the moment I am trying to perfect the art of brownies and baby food - which I have been quite successful at! Well Grace thinks so anyway! She has Grandads potatoes and Dads pumpkin with pop's apples for dessert.
    We also use re useable nappies (of the brought variety) and they are AWESOME! Now I'm back at work though It's a little harder to keep up with them but I try :) We found they fitted better than newborn disposables too. xox Paula
